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Little Acorns Day Nursery
Hartrigg Oaks
Lucombe Way
New Earswick
YO32 4DS

Young Oaks

Child places in New Earswick

At Little Acorns Day Nursery, we  offer the 2 year old Early Years' Education (EYF, where eligible). To enrol your child, get in touch today. We're located in New Earswick, York.

Young Oaks room

Our Young Oaks room is a large and airy room, designed for children from 2 to 3 years. In the morning and afternoon, the children are divided into key person groups to carry out activities, which aim to improve your child's learning & development.
The Young Oaks and Mighty Oaks groups have both planned activities by the staff, and also activities based on the children’s individual interests/ needs. The toys which are set out each day are chosen by the children and are specific toys to help children ‘learn through play’.
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Baby writing

Features of the Young Oaks room

  • Activities are planned by the staff for their 'next steps' and also based around your child's interests
  • There are computers for children to play and learn on
  • Learning journeys are kept on each child and are given to Mighty Oaks when they move up to Pre-school
  • Famly app for daily updates
You can also rely on us for childcare for babies and toddlers.
Children learning computer

Young Oaks staff

Julie Nicholson – Senior Nursery Nurse - level 3
Sarah Brown – Senior Nursery Nurse & SENCO - level 3
Leah Harker – Senior Nursery Nurse - level 3
Phoebe Green - Nursery Nurse - level 3
Chloe Cruwys - Nursery Nurse - level 3

Daily routine - approximately 2 to 3 years

The following is the routine for both Young Oaks and Mighty Oaks
Nursery opens. Welcome/settle children into room with age appropriate activities/resources 
8.30 – 9.30am 
Snack table opens; children can choose when or if they would like snack over the hour (hands washed, self-registration, choose plate/cup) 
9.30am - 11.30am
 Key person group activities - age appropriate and planned for each individuals ‘next step’ of learning development. Outdoor/Physical play – throughout the morning - child’s choice 
Nappy/ potty time – (nappies will always be changed at other times of the day if needed) 
Wash hands before lunch. Lunch time - Find own name card on plate to help with name recognition/serve themselves 
Sleep time for children who need one. Free play - age appropriate toys - sand, water, creative, technology, role play, construction, books, outdoor play, rest time 
End of morning session
1.00pm 4.15pm
Afternoon session begins. Between 1.00pm and 2.00pm children waking up from sleep. Free play - age appropriate toys - sand, water, creative, technology, role play, construction, books, outdoor play.
Afternoon snack table opens, children can choose when or if they would like snack (hands washed, self-registration, choose plate/cup). Outdoor/Physical play. Free play, age appropriate toys - sand, water, creative, technology, role play, construction, books. Key person group activities - age appropriate and planned for each individuals ‘next step’ of learning development. Outdoor/Physical play – throughout the afternoon - child’s choice 

Tea Time
Nursery closes

7:30 am - Nursery opens. Welcome/ settle children into the room with age appropriate activities/ resources

8:30 am - 9:30 am - Snack table opens. Children can choose when or if they would like snack over the hour (hands washed, self-registration, choose plate/ cup)

9:45 am - Key person group activities – age appropriate and planned for each individual ‘next step’ of learning 

11:00 am - Nappy/ potty time (nappies will always be changed at any other times of the day if needed)
Outdoor/ physical play

11:30 am - Wash hands before lunch. Lunch time. Find own name card on plate to help with name recognition/ serve themselves

12:15 pm - Sleep time for children who need one. Free play –age appropriate toys – sand, water, creative, technology, role play, construction, books, outdoor play, rest time

12:30 pm - End of morning session
Greet parents with information of child’s morning and hand over day sheet

1:00 pm - Afternoon session begins
Between 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm children waking up from sleep
Free play - age appropriate toys – sand, water, creative, technology, role play, construction, books

1:45 pm - Key person group activities – age appropriate and planned for each individual ‘next step’ of learning
Outdoor/ physical play – throughout the afternoon – child’s choice

2:00 pm - Afternoon snack table opens, children can choose when or if they would like snack (hands washed, self-registration, choose plate/cup)

3:30 pm - Outdoor/ physical play
Free play – age appropriate toys - sand, water, creative, technology, role play, construction, books

4:15 pm - Tea time. Greet parents with information of child’s afternoon/ day and hand over sheet

6:00 pm - Nursery classes

We provide child places in New Earswick, York, call Little Acorns Day Nursery
on 01904 766 866
We use the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum
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